Welcome! (Quick description and review method)

 Hello, Matsu here!

Just wanted to introduce, well, this. 

I'm a teenage kid (well, I'm almost 18 by now so I guess not for too long) that always had my share of opinions about everything I consume. I'm a defender of the act of consuming media with at least a bit of a critical view, so we can actually support people who love what they do instead of giving money to big corporations that just want to profit off people that accept everything they throw out at them.

I also happen to be from Brazil, a portuguese-speaking country, and wanted to improve my writing skills on a language that is not my native. Being fluent in English is a very important skill nowadays, so I want to keep practicing it. 

Mixing everything together, we have this blog! I don't really have plans to like, become popular on the internet or something, so if this ends up being a forgotten website I won't mind (but if it miraculously gains popularity I'll not complain either). This is a place for me to kind of mark my progress and just try something different. 

My goal is to express my opinion about random things I consume, being it manga, anime, books, movies. Whatever I'm into at the time. I'll be reviewing everything from 1 to 10, with 1 being 'please burn in hell and never appear before me again' and 10 being 'I would die for this piece of media and nobody will convince me otherwise'. I'll mostly focus on analyzing the story, worldbuilding, character development and other technical details such as soundtrack, animation, design and writing depending on the type of media.

For sequels, small comments or just if I don't have much to say, I'll probably do a quicker review, more direct and with less flourishes and analysis. After all, if I tried to comment on every single aspect of everything I consume, I would be writing 24/7.

I'm not exactly qualified to give detailed critiques since I haven't even graduated from high school yet, so don't expect everything to be serious. I'll try to be as fair as possible, but in the end it's still my opinion, so yeah. Please respect it I guess lol.

Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy the content :)


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